The Epic Journey Continues: A First-In-Class Test Will Change Advanced Prostate Cancer Care
6 July 2016 Hi Everyone, I have some great news to share: 1) Recently, the work of my colleagues and collaborators was accepted and...
The Epic Journey Continues: A First-In-Class Test Will Change Advanced Prostate Cancer Care
Re-directing Ingroup Psychology to Mass Human Identity through Scientific Futurism
From PhD to Biotech: Key Lessons and Insights
New Publication
STEAM day at Muirlands Middle School
Biotechnology as the Auto Shop of the 21st Century?
Impressions: 2nd annual Pedal the Cause
The Epic Window: Circulating Tumor Cells and the Liquid Biopsy
How The Liquid Biopsy Could Speed Up Oncology Clinical Trials
D Fence: My PhD Finale