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Med Into Grad begins!

16 September 2013

I’m proud to announce that I’m taking part in the 2013-2014 Med Into Grad Initiative hosted by the UCSD School of Medicine and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI).

“Big Data” and “Personalized Medicine” are buzzwords that, to my astonishment and delight, have been born and are currently in their infancy right in front of my own eyes here at the Moores Cancer Center! I’ve spent a fair bit of time studying and applying my knowledge of cancer biology for the sake of cancer biology, but I am very interested in cancer diagnosis and clinical trials. The pace at which new target therapies are entering the clinic is staggering, and it’s truly amazing to see knowledge of signaling pathways and phenomena being utilized that a decade ago might have been regarded as esoteric to the point of banality for lack of tools of clinical intervention.

This week my 12 classmates and I began our coursework in anticipation of spending January through March 2014 away from the lab bench and in the clinic. And for me, “clinic” entails inpatient and outpatient oncology clinics, med school classes, tumor boards, and grand rounds. I’ll be shadowing oncologists and observing the nuts and bolts of current cancer therapy.

Although I’ve been attending tumor boards here at the Moores Cancer Center for some time now, Med Into Grad will allow me a new level of access to the broader knowledge (perspective) base that I seek to participate in this emerging age of oncology and medicine.


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